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e-VANS has a track record of leading high-performance project teams with specialized expertise.
e-VANS philosophy is to add VALUE to your organization through our collaborative and rigorous methods in all lines of business.
Our name starts with a lower-case “e” to symbolize welcoming our clients with a friendly, cooperative approach. This letter has multiple meanings: ethical / earth / equality / electronic / efficient / effective / environment / engineering / etc. The remaining letters, VANS, represent our corporate delivery model—we provide Value Added Navigational Services. All four letters are capitalized for emphasis but carry equal significance.
Value is the core service
Adding to our clients with leading-edge ideas and products
Navigation implies a long term journey as we work in partnership with our clients
Service is the glue that holds it all together—we are a consulting company providing professional services
By design, our name does not reference a specific business sector as we provide VANS for our clients across the business spectrum.
Our approach is to add value through maximizing your Value Equation:
Value =
Function, we help you improve function by increasing productivity
Cost, we help you identify capital or operational cost savings
At e-VANS we are your business partner, working with you to optimize your project or process and achieve the best results. We are committed to provide our services collaboratively, in a manner that represents your company’s best interests.
We are a team of knowledge brokers who help our clients identify, implement, and manage strategic projects to enhance their business outcomes.
Our consultants provide value-added professional services in project management, engineering, management consulting, and value analysis.
We pride ourselves on delivering outstanding service and building partnerships with our clients to help them navigate the journey to successfully achieving their goals.
e-VANS has a track record of leading high-performance project teams with specialized expertise.
PoWeReD By: RSG Dynamics Ltd.
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